You have an Oracle Database and a MySQL database running on your Windows 7 machine that you are using for training/development purposes. You use Oracle SQL Developer to run code on the local Oracle database. Now you want to use Oracle SQL Developer to run code on your local MySQL Database.
Solution Summary
You need to unzip the JDBC (Java DataBase Connecttion) Driver for MySQL to somewhere on your harddrive, and link to it in Oracle SQL Developer. You will then see a MySQL tab in the New/Select Database Connection dialog which will allow you to connect to your SQL databases.
- Download the JDBC Driver from the MySQL website. I found it at
- Note: You should have a MySQL account to down load this. The proper file will have a name like (the .tar.gz version, also known as a "tar ball" is for Unix/Linux operating systems)
- To install it all you need to do is unzip the file and put the whole folder in an appropriate place. (The instructions included with the driver say that say you need to set a CLASSPATH environment variable. I did not set this and it worked for me.) Here are some places to put it:
- In your \sqldeveloper\jdbc\ folder
- In your <ORACLE_HOME>\jdbc\ folder
- Open Oracle SQL Developer.
- Click Tools|Preferences|Database|Third Party JDBC Drivers
- Click Add Entry
- Navigate to and open the directory where you put the unzipped JDBC Driver then Select the .jar file with the same name as the directory. (mysql-connector-java-5.1.18.jar)
- Click OK.
- Make sure your MySQL database is running.
- Use the Connections Tab make a new connection.
Result: You should see a
MySQL tab in the
New/Select Database window.
Test it out
- Create a connection name: root_mysql
- Username: root
- Password: <If you have secured your database with a password type it here>
- Hostname: probably localhost (or or your computer's name)
- Port: probably the default for MySQL 3306.
- Choose Database: If you have put the proper information in above, this will show you a dropdown list of the databases in your MySQL configuration. Choose mysql.
- Click Test.
Result: Hopefully you will see a
Status: Success message, and a new connection will appear in your connections pane.